Neue Produkte
E-TWOW Booster NEUES Modell
Ab Juni 2017 gibt es die Poster Plus Version. Wir werden einige Scooter in der Farbe Anthrazit im Laden haben.
Weiterhin weist der Hersteller E-Twow darauf hin, dass der Scooter nicht modifiziert werden darf:
“Taking into account the sudden modification of the market in regard to our product, we feel obligated to officially inform you about the dangers of any modification that are brought to our scooter. First of all, it is very important to mention that any modification or replacement of original E-twow spare parts leads to the immediate loss of any warranty for the products. Equally, we wanted to warn you against the dangers of having our products modified, because, as you already know, all the parts of the E-Twow scooter are designed by us, especially for this product.
One case, in particular, needs your full attention, namely the fact that certain resellers have marketed the existence of a stronger battery for our scooter, which will offer a bigger speed and autonomy. The use of these type of batteries, or any parts that are not original E-twow parts, can affect the display, the controller, the motor and all electrical wires of the scooter, because these parts are especially designed for the tension of the E-twow battery and they are unable to take any additional charge. The use of any type of bigger batteries can lead to supra-charges and to very dangerous situations! Please consider this and inform you clients and resellers about this.
We strongly advise against the use of unauthorized modifications or parts for our scooter, because this can lead to very dangerous and unpleasant situations!”